A Stone Mountain family is fighting back after catching a disturbing image on their surveillance cameras.

Earle and Marilyn Holder say they’ve protected their home and themselves with additional security measures after a visit from a stranger on Monday night. Surveillance video shows a hooded man peering into windows at the back of their house and then coming to the front door around 9:30 p.m.

Marilyn Holder says she didn’t believe his story that the car had broken down. Her suspicions were reinforced when their surveillance video showed the man get into another vehicle.

“I told him, ‘You need to move on, I can’t help you here,’ but I did not open the door,” said Marilyn Holder.

Earle Holder installed the surveillance cameras and reinforced the home’s doors and windows after his house was burglarized in November.

“I believe that they came in and saw things in here that they may not have been able to get because the alarm was set off,” said Earle Holder.

The Holders posted their surveillance videos on YouTube and Facebook in hopes of warning neighbors. They say that four other homes on their cul-de-sac have been burglarized in recent weeks.

“It’s happening too often and I think everyone should do the same exactly like we’re doing,” said Marilyn Holder.

The Holders said that they’ve considered moving to another location, but at this point, they say they can’t sell their home because they owe more on it than what it’s worth.